Seeds of Light

101 quotations from the Mother – Her rays of love and strength. The quotations have been specially chosen to serve as “Seeds of Light” for our younger generation.

01. My little ones, you are the hope, you are the future. Keep always this youth which is the faculty to progress; for you the phrase “it is impossible” will have no meaning. – The Mother

02. Live only for the Divine.

Work only for the Divine.

Adore only the Divine. – The Mother

03. The whole creation speaks of the Divine to him who knows how to hear within his heart. – The Mother

04. The whole of our life should be a prayer offered to the Divine. – The Mother

05. Grant, O Lord, ... may my heart be pure as a pure crystal, so that wholly it may reflect Thee. – The Mother

06. We have, every one of us, a role to fulfil, a work to do, a place which we alone can occupy. – The Mother

07. Let us keep flaming in our heart the fire of progress. – The Mother

08. Beauty, you are my way to the Divine. – The Mother

09. Our life ought to be governed by the Love for Truth and the thirst for Light. – The Mother

10. Let all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more. – The Mother

11. Let nothing short of perfection be your ideal in work and you are sure to become a true instrument of the Divine. – The Mother

12. The flame of the aspiration must be so straight and so ardent that no obstacle can dissolve it. – The Mother

13. What people think, do or say is of little importance. The only thing that counts is your relation with the Divine. – The Mother

14. All sincere prayers are granted, every call is answered. – The Mother

15. We must lie before the Divine always like a page perfectly blank, so that the Divine‘s will may be inscribed in us without any difficulty or mixture. – The Mother

16. Thou art the wonderful magician, he who transfigures all things, from ugliness brings forth beauty, from darkness light, from the mud clear water, from ignorance knowledge and from egoism goodness.

– The Mother

17. In sincerity is the certitude of victory.

Sincerity! Sincerity! How sweet is the purity of thy presence!

– The Mother

18. If you try to hide something from the Divine, you are sure to fall flat on your nose, plop! like that…

– The Mother

19. An aimless life is always a miserable life.

– The Mother

20. Take truth for your force, take truth for your refuge.

– The Mother

21. Be grateful for all ordeals, they are the shortest way to the Divine.

– The Mother

22. It is only when we are not disturbed that we can always do the right thing at the right time and in the right way.

– The Mother

23. Peace in the storm,

Calm in the effort,

Joy in the surrender,

a luminous Faith,

and you will become aware of the Lord’s constant Presence.

– The Mother

24. Higher, ever higher! Let us never be satisfied with what is achieved, let us not stop at any realisation, let us march always onwards, ceaselessly, energetically, towards an ever completer manifestation, an ever higher and more total consciousness....

– The Mother

25. O my sweet Lord, teach me to be the instrument of Thy Love.

– The Mother

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